IMPG Open for Authors



IMPG offers all authors the option to publish in Open Access Fora. This is available for journals contributions, as well as full books or individual book chapters. Publishing in Open Access means that the online version of your work will be free to access for anyone. Depending on the exact license you choose, you can also free your work from certain restrictions on its use. Publishing in Open Access is done in exchange for a Publication Charge. This Publication Charge is only payable after your work has been accepted for publication, so post-peer review.



You may wish to publish in Open Access because of funder or grant requirements, a mandate by a national research council, or simply because of personal choice. If you are interested in more information on why you should publish in Open Access with IMPG, please visit:  


Please note that IMPG participates in several developing countries programs, which means that authors from developing countries may be eligible for a significant discount on or a full waiver of the Open Access publication charges. Depending on whether your employing institution is part of our Membership Programme -, you may also be entitled to a discount. To find out if you qualify for any discount, please contact ..


So what does that mean?

Free access for all (your publication is not behind a pay wall)

Author pays, or their funder

Payment only after peer review and acceptance

The author will need to sign an agreement specific for Open Access



License Types

All of IMPG’s Open Access publications are published using a non-exclusive Creative Commons Licence - . We offer three types of licenses:

  1. CC-BY-NC
    Attribution-Non-commercial 4.0
    This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.
  2. CC-BY-NC-ND
    Attribution-Non-commercial-No Derivatives 4.0
    This license allows others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.


3.  CC-BY
Attribution 4.0
This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation.


More specifics on publishing Open Access in Books or Journals and the related Publication Charges can be found in the dedicated sections below.


Open Access in IMPG Books

IMPG offers the opportunity to publish individual chapters in Open Access (e.g. for articles in edited volumes). Instead of the regular contributor’s copyright form, chapter authors who would like to publish in Open Access (OA) sign a special OA contributor’s license (available from your contact at IMPG).



IMPG also offers authors the possibility to publish their entire monograph or complete edited volume in Open Access. If you are interested in this option, please get in touch with your acquisition editor at IMPG and indicate this at as early a stage as possible.

For books, the following Book Publication Charges (BPC) applies:





(Up to 40 pages)


(Up to 400 pages)


(Price per page)


EURO            USD

EURO            USD

EURO            USD


999                  1,145

8,499               9.760

12                     14


2,580             2,960

18,490           21,260

26                      28


All prices are excluding VAT.



Open Access in IMPG Journals

Brill offers authors the option to publish in Open Access in all subscription journals published by Brill and its imprints. If you are interested in publishing your paper in Open Access in one of our journals, please indicate this when submitting through the Managing Editor, or with your contact at IMPG.

For a journal article, the following Article Publication Charges (APC) applies:


Contract Type

Euro ( €)

USD ($)








All prices are excluding VAT.






Besides subscription journals, IMPG also publishes a number of full Open Access journals. For these, the APC will be different from what is mentioned above and in some cases the APC may even be waived entirely. For a full list of all IMPG full Open Access journals, including the associated APCs, please visit: and


Retroactive Open Access Publishing

Sometimes funding unexpectedly becomes available when an article, book or chapter has already been published. This is why IMPG offers authors the opportunity to make their work available in Open Access retroactively. Adjusted publication charges may apply based on the date of publication. For more information, please contact .


Open Access Refund Policy

IMPG seeks to publish every open access article, chapter and book on the terms agreed with the authors and without delay. If authors or their institutions are unhappy with any aspect of the open access publishing services, they should get in touch with their contact at IMPG or the IMPG Open team at .


Article publication charges (APCs) will only be reimbursed if an article does not comply with authors’ funder requirements because of a publisher oversight. APCs will not be refunded where article publication is not compliant with funder mandates for reasons outside Brill’s control. The Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates and Policies maintains a list of policymakers and their mandates.



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© International Medical Publishing Group (IMPG), 1953 to 2025