Working Together with IMPG to Reach Your Audience


IMPG books are marketed and sold worldwide. We have sales representatives spanning the globe who work with libraries, bookstores, academics, professionals, and third-party retailers to get the word out about your book. We also have a global marketing team who seeks optimal exposure for your book through numerous outlets, many of which are outlined below. However, our most effective promotions happen when we partner with enthusiastic book authors and editors like you. If you are interested in getting involved and getting published, please contact the appropriate IMPG marketing manager for your subject area.



Marketing Contacts and Database Building


IMPG has an extensive global customer database that is used to target the right customers in our various subject areas. We continue to expand, enrich, enhance and improve our database, ensuring we have the most relevant and key customer contacts in every industry and channel - from librarians, educators and lecturers to emerging leaders in their respective fields.




Email Campaigns


We use email campaigns to reach a large number of relevant contacts with key information about our books. The book will be included in targeted campaigns, often with related titles, both pre-publication, upon publishing, and thereafter. Events such as conferences and the timing of world events also can influence our editorial email marketing calendar when the book can be promoted. These campaigns are sent to the most relevant people in our extensive global database of contacts.






Reviews from individuals around the globe serve as testimonials and add perceived value to your book. When available, reviews will appear on your book's landing page on the IMPG website and may be used in the marketing of your book.

Upon your book's publication, we offer review copies to our extensive list of journal contacts and other media. Inaddaition, we send copies of newly published titles to those in industry and academia who email or call us to express an interest in reviewing our books. Please put us in touch with those who express interest in reviewing any of our books for a relevant publication, and we will arrange for a copy to be sent to them.




eBooks and CRCnetBASE


Almost all the IMPG’s new references also are sold as eBooks, available for purchase and download almost immediately after publication. IMPG BASE  – our excellent platform for academic, public, and corporate library eBook collections – provides still another opportunity for exposure and sales of your books.






IMPG’s marketing team creates subject-specific catalogues each year that feature new and backlist titles and are disseminated in key regions around the world. And quarterly, a list of new titles is promoted through our seasonal catalogue and distributed to libraries, wholesalers, and bookstores worldwide.

Current versions of the IMPG annual and seasonal catalogues can be obtained by contacting us at:





Societies and Organizations


By partnering with societies or organisations to help them achieve their objectives, we can maximise our marketing reach, engagement, and retention. We do this by looking to build mutually beneficial partnerships that open up our content to their membership.







When and where appropriate, our marketing and editorial teams attend major conferences worldwide to promote and sell IMPG books. For those meetings we do not attend, we are happy to supply promotional material for you to distribute. To do so, it is important that you communicate your promotional requirements to IMPG as soon as possible for us to help support you with the right marketing materials.





Author Resources


The Authors Information:  page is available for book authors and editors at any time. It provides you with the details on how you can take  easy steps to publish your book and make it more discoverable online and how to leverage your network. There are several other tips provided on how you can help promote your book, including contacting IMPG for a promotional flyer.




Featured Authors


The Featured Authors community is an essential element of our integrated marketing programme. It gives your audience highly visual, engaging information about you and your work in a personal and interactive setting. This ground-breaking web portal enhances your online presence, creates buzz about your book, increases discoverability, and allows you to connect easily with your audience. We highly encourage you to participate. Please contact us at: fro more details.





Social Media


IMPG uses social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to engage users, share free content, and generate interest in our products. There are a number of ways you, as a book author or editor, can help to promote your book using social media, including:

  • Announce on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media sites – including academic-based ones like ResearchGate,, ORCID, and ResearcherID – that your book is publishing.
  • Link to your book's landing page on the IMPG website when mentioning your title on social media.
  • Mention any blog posts related to your book.
  • Use hashtags that are applicable to the book’s themes.
  • Post about events you are attending.





Encourage your colleagues and peers to go to, give your book the stars it deserves, and write comments on their thoughts after reading your book. Comments are very helpful to individuals when considering a purchase, so encourage comments that state what the book provides for the reader.

Additionally, you can maximize your book's potential with Amazon's Author Central. This free service provided by Amazon gives book authors and editors the ability to reach more readers, promote their books, and interact with the community. These all can translate into additional sales. Go to and click "Join Now" to get started.



Speaking of getting your book noticed, now that it's published, the next phase is becoming a Featured Authors.

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© International Medical Publishing Group (IMPG), 1953 to 2025