Benefits of having IMPG Open Membership are as follows:
Outline of Subscription:
When subscribing to the IMPG Open Membership programme, IMPG sets up a credit with
an institution that allows us to publish work from affiliated authors in Open Access. This is a one-off fee that we will use to cover publication charges. Moreover, by becoming a member, institutions
are eligible for a membership discount.
One-off fee:
The minimum amount to become a member is $11,000 (USD). Institutions are free to opt
for a higher fee that will go a longer way to cover publication charges. Ask us for details on prior publications from affiliated authors so that we can determine a realistic amount together. There
is no time frame attached to the credit. Any credit left over from a given year will pass on to the next year. Annual reports are sent of all activity.
Author identification:
IMPG will identify affiliated authors with a forthcoming publication (books and
journals) and offer them the option to publish in Open Access. IMPG will only publish any work in Open Access with the full consent of the author.
Books & Articles included:
Execptional among publishers, IMPG’s membership programme also covers book
publication charges, in their entirety. This allows staff to publish monographs and edited volumes entirely in Open Access. IMPG recognises the need for a Medical, Science, Humanities & Social
Sciences publisher to focus on Open Access books, given that this is still one of the dominant models of publication for many Medical, Science, Humanities & Social Sciences scholars. The
agreement is finalised with an official letter, signed by IMPG and the institution.
To find out more, or to set up a membership, please contact us at